Today we attended the official launch of the West Kingston
Power Partners High Schools’ Energy Debating Competition,
of which IMCA Jamaica is a gold sponsor. The event was MCd by
Dervan Malcolm and the opening message was delivered by Mr
Fitzroy Vidal, Principal Director for Energy in the Ministry of
Science, Technology, Energy and Mining. Also, Mr. Gomez was
given the opportunity to deliver a message on behalf of the
The debating competition comprises eight secondary schools
from the Western Kingston Division who will vie for first place by
articulating various arguments on topics regarding the energy
sector. The tournament will begin October 4 th and end October
18 th , 2018.
WKPP is an affiliate of Jamaica Energy Partners; JEP is the
largest independent power producing company in Jamaica
(outside of JPS) and is one of our key customers.
We are happy to support Jamaica Energy Partners in this initiative
of knowledge sharing amongst our youths, about energy
generation and distribution and reinforcing the importance of
energy in our economy.